2013 "News" documents for downloading
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State News
BCMA and South Caucus 2013 FMA Resolutions that were adopted or referred for study/action:
Resolution 13-201
Florida Medical Association Transparency
South Florida Caucus
HouseAction: Referredtothe BoardofGovernors.
RESOLVED, Thatthe FloridaMedicalAssociation(FMA) open meetings oftheCommitteeonthe Future toallFMAmembers, and be itfurther
RESOLVED, Thatthe minutesofthe Committeeonthe Future be madeavailableto allFMA members, and beitfurther
RESOLVED, Thatthe minutesofallFMAcouncilsand committees, the FMA Board ofGovernors, and
the FMA Executive Committee bemadeavailableto allFMAmembers.
Resolution 13-202
Representation of Employed Physicians
RESOLVED, That the Florida Medical Association study the feasibility of contractually employed physicians forming a union or other appropriate organization.
Resolution 13-204
Physician and Medical Staff Member Bill Of Rights
Broward County Medical Association
House Action: Referred to the Board of Governors for action.
RESOLVED, That the Florida Medical Association will support and adopt the amended Medical Staff Member Bill of Rights to include rights number 9 and 10; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Florida Medical Association will encourage the formation of Medical Staff Advocacy Committees throughout Florida; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Florida Medical Association will support the Medical Staff Advocacy Committees’ role with medical staff issues and communications between Physicians and Hospitals and any other appropriate agency; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Florida Medical Association will report or support such report by a local medical society to the appropriate agency any concern or violation of the Physicians Bill of Rights not resolved by communications between the medical society and hospitals; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Florida Medical Association should publically announce the physician medical staff bill of rights and send a letter urging every medical staff leadership and hospital administration in Florida to adopt and immediately conform with these basic rights within 30 days.
Resolution 13-302
NICA Accountability
South Florida Caucus
RESOLVED, That the Florida Medical Association (FMA), in the interest of transparency, provide to its members a link on the FMA website to any annual report required by the Florida Legislature related to NICA.
Resolution 13-314
Unlicensed Health Care Clinics That Accept Only “Cash”
South Florida Caucus
House Action: Referred to the Board of Governors.
RESOLVED, That the Florida Medical Association support legislation to substitute the words “remuneration, either directly from the patient, in cash or in kind, or through a third party, such as an insurance company" for the word "reimbursement", effectively making clinics that do not receive insurance reimbursement also required to register with the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) as a Health Care Clinic, thereby protecting the public from unlicensed activity.
Resolution 13-404
Medicaid Reform HMO/PSN Statewide Expansion and
Medicaid Eligibility Expansion through Federal funding
Broward County Medical Association, Dade County Medical Association
HouseAction: Referredto the Board ofGovernorsforstudy.
RESOLVED, Thatthe FloridaMedicalAssociation willpubliclysupportthe Medicaid eligibility
expansionandfederalsupportand furthermore requestand urgethat the StateofFloridaaccepts those provisions of the PatientProtection andAffordable Care Actacceptingfederaldollarsupportfor the
Medicaid programand higherphysician reimbursement;and be itfurther
RESOLVED, Thatthe FloridaMedicalAssociationwillpubliclysupportanystatewide expansion of Medicaid into managed care onlyifsuch programs safeguard patientaccessto care while increasingall primarycarephysiciansMedicaidrate payments toMedicareratessuchasinternaland family medicine,pediatricians andobstetricianand gynecologists;andfurthermore supportsuchratesfor specialistsin order to maintain sufficientcarenetworks in the stateregions ofreform;and beit further
RESOLVED, Thatthe FloridaMedicalAssociation(FMA) willpubliclysupportany
Medicaid Reformstatewideonlyifitaddressesallofits physician’s concerns;andbe it further
RESOLVED, Thatthe FMA willsenda lettertothe State ofFlorida, the Governorand CMS within one month specificallypublishingand askingfor theseresolutions andthis position, requestingthe stateto expandMedicaid statewide onlywithsafeguards and higherphysician reimbursements and to acceptthe FederalMedicaid eligibilityexpansionandfederal funds and furthermore, askfora2013
speciallegislative session.