Testimonials of Membership Value

The BCMA CAN meet your needs!


When I first started to practice in Broward County in the mid-1970’s all physicians were “required” to be BCMA members if they were on ANY hospital medical staff. We met monthly at a hotel on Fort Lauderdale Beach with attendance carefully recorded. However, this was a wonderful networking experience as I had the opportunity to meet ALL the new physicians in Broward County. These physicians helped to build my private allergy practice. Within the first five years in practice, I  was asked to sit on the Board of Directors and was introduced to organized medicine and the political issues that physicians faced. Being an FMA delegate further enhanced my understanding of the differing priorities of medical practice in the various areas of the state. Perhaps the most enjoyable experiences throughout the years were with meetings with the Women Physicians of BCMA interest group, allowing a social, networking, and educational experience with physicians who shared my interests and needs. The BCMA allowed me a platform to develop my leadership skills, allowing me to be become president of my state and eventually my national allergy society.  A few years ago, I was requested to enter the track to become BCMA president. I felt it to be the highest honor but also an opportunity to return some of the benefits that the BCMA had given me over the years. It has been an educational, inspiring, and rewarding journey. As BCMA President, my goal is to involve our young (and not so young) members by asking them to work on our committees and by developing special interest groups that meet the needs of our members, e.g. Employed physicians, Oncologists, New to Practice, etc. The BCMA starts to take on real meaning and value only when a member become actively engaged and finds that the BCMA CAN meet their individual needs.


Dana Wallace, MD

BCMA President


I set up an office and networked with other physicians. I eventually became politically active in the BCMA Pain Society. Through that association I met Cynthia. She recruited me, and said I should join the BCMA to support and to take the message to a higher level. I have subsequently been involved on national, state and local levels.


Sanford Silverman, MD

BCMA Vice-President


I originally joined AMA as my introduction to organized medicine. As I started to receive information and publications I decided to join the FMA and BCMA. Initially I didn’t see benefits from the BCMA. I met Aaron and he encouraged me to be more active and asked me to be on the board. I realized that when I made the decision to get more involved, I was looking for a voice. I felt as a physician no one was sticking up for me on the problems that I was facing. 


David Perloff, MD

BCMA Treasurer


About 1990 the majority of medical residents would join the AMA so that we could have a vision of organizational medicine, i.e. how medicine was run in the USA. We would observe the process and contemplate how we could change things and make them better. After entering practice, the local state and county organized medical associations seemed more important. I thought I could change things. Complaining goes nowhere, but through my personal effort and with colleagues support; we were able to affect some but not all things that I felt needed to be changed.  I worked with the other doctors on promoting the Bill of Rights. We were able to gather together on a local level (grass roots) and then move this to the level to FMA, etc. In short, I got involved in the BCMA to change things.


Aaron Elkin, MD,

BCMA Past-President (2011)


I joined 32 years ago. You didn’t have a choice. It was part of your development. You would leave medical school and you would join the county medical association. In recent years doctors are “used”, perhaps abused, constantly. They get taken advantage of by hospitals, the government, and even other doctors. The BCMA represents the concerns and is the voice of all Broward County Physicians.


Tony Prieto, MD

BCMA Past-President (2009)


Eight years ago I knew my colleagues and network. I started a practice, a small one. As a female doctor I liked the women physicians’ interest group, I wanted to learn and continue to network and also to understand the politics of the county medical association.


Daniela Botoman, MD

BCMA BOD member




I like to network. I was in private practice initially and then decided to join the Cleveland Clinic where I met other doctors. I have been very busy this year when I was approached about becoming involved and that was through the gentle nudging of Cynthia, I made a decision to say yes. The BCMA offers information and educational programs on very useful topics and excellent networking opportunities.  


Lyssette Cardona, MD

BCMA Co-Chair Women Physicians Group


I came from a family of doctors (in Michigan). While I knew specialists there in Michigan when I moved here to Broward County I knew no one. I opened a practice in Broward and joined the BCMA to meet people, network and be a part of something larger than my own practice. The BCMA offered me to be a part of an organization of physicians, primary care physicians such as internal medicine, surgeons and other medical specialists.


Shareen Greenbaum, MD


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