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"Divided We Fall" Editorial



Divided We Fall
By Seth J. Baum, MD

The question that incessantly tugs at my gut is," when will we say 'enough'?" I have the good fortune to interact with physicians across our nation. What is stunning is the commonality of our experiences, frustrations, and fears. Nearly everyone echoes the same sentiments. We are downtrodden by the yoke of our loss of social and economic standing combined with an overdose of unnecessary and crippling logistical constraints.


Regarding the former, doctors have been subjected to an apparently intentional diminution of stature. Most obviously we are no longer "doctors"; instead, we are a mere segment of the blurred gamut called "healthcare practitioners". Within this array, physicians represent an oftentimes indistinguishable part. What happened to the time-honored concept of the doctor as the "general" with others in the medical field occupying the lower ranks along the hierarchy of expertise and concomitant responsibility? This militaristic construct was not born of abuse or cruelty to those below; it was a system created to guarantee that ultimate accountability lay in the hands of those most capable. And it ensured that physician extenders such as nurse practitioners and physician assistants -- excellent and integral deliverers of healthcare -- would always have the guidance and support of physicians, people with greater training and clinical expertise. More subtly, but equally disturbing, has been an erosion of hierarchy among doctors themselves. We have been commoditized. Our insurance-driven economic equalization has led to the notion that one cardiologist is as good as the next and every surgeon is equal to another. Of course we all know such a belief is absurd. Some surgeons tie knots around their colleagues; and superior cardiologists hear even the faintest of murmurs; while a few can barely hear anything at all.


As far as our logistical burdens go, we have become collared dogs, leashed and led by governmental, hospital, and even medical rules, regulations, and guidelines. Suffocating under piles of useless paperwork, fraying our fingertips on EHR keyboards, cautiously adhering to guideline-driven hospital-mandated algorithms, we painfully plod through work. Peppered into our otherwise bland and tedious days we occasionally experience the near-forgotten joy of practicing medicine.


To say that doctors are depressed, dejected, forlorn, hopeless, and despondent fails to do justice to the unfortunate cruelty that has hijacked our profession. Doctors are by nature exceptionally intelligent, diligent, independent-minded, inquisitive, creative, and caring. These characteristics are ill-suited for our changing world. Physicians never meant to work for others, yet over fifty percent of us now do. To grasp the impact of this single shift simply read the "professional satisfaction" surveys of practicing physicians -- they are not encouraging. We were not built to be handcuffed and forced to obey ill-conceived and oftentimes detrimental mandates. Doctors became doctors to acquire knowledge, integrate that knowledge into personalized and unique management plans, and by so doing help humanity and save lives. In addition, we always wanted to be recognized and appreciated for our work. Each of us sacrificed quite a lot to become what we are today. And these sacrifices were well worth it when we were permitted to recoup rewards -- social, personal, and yes, even economic. Now the rules have changed and we practice in an environment we had not bargained for. For many of us, modern medicine has become the antithesis of our dreams and aspirations. To some degree, we are to blame. We have relinquished the reins of our profession. We have allowed others to tell us how to practice, how to work, and even how to think.


Mistakenly, many believe that when doctors bemoan the state of American medicine we cry solely for ourselves. The truth is our tears fall for all Americans. We, the stewards of health, understand better than anyone else that the continuing changes in medical care are by and large for the worse. They deprive patients of quality in a vain attempt to augment quantity.


As I write this, I wonder whether it is too late. Can that which has been done be undone? Uncertain of the answer, I remain convinced that the only way to determine whether or not the decimation of American Medicine is reversible is for practicing doctors to come together in an attempt to stop the bleeding. For once we need to stand as one, speak with a singular voice of clarity and resolve and proclaim, "Enough".


Dr. Baum is a practicing preventive cardiologist with leadership roles in national and international organizations. These opinions are his alone. Read his blog at

BCMA Bill of Rights and Responsibilities

Broward County Medical Association’s

Bill of Rights and Responsibilities:


  • The right to care for patients without compromise
  • The right to freely advocate for patient safety
  • The right to be compensated for providing care
  • The right of medical staff to be self governed and independently advised
  • The right to care for our own well-being
  • The right to full due process when our privileges are challenged
  • The right to privacy
  • The right to be evaluated by unbiased peers who are actively practicing physicians in our community and specialty 

Since there can be no rights without responsibility, we hereby declare that the following are core responsibilities inherent with the above.


  • The responsibility to provide our patients impartial diagnosis and care
  • The responsibility to advocate for our patients when they are in jeopardy
  • The responsibility to provide care to those who cannot afford it
  • The responsibility to participate in peer review
  • The responsibility to care for our patients, our families and ourselves
  • The responsibility to play an unbiased, active role in the fair hearing process
  • The responsibility to carry out our professional obligations
  • The responsibility to play an active role in the governance of our medical staffs


Bill of Rights Download



Medical Liability Patient Forms

A few years ago the Florida Medical Association developed a "Health Care Arbitration Agreement" which some of the BCMA members have been using. Likewise some members are using the "Waiver of Constitutional Rights" provided in Article 1 Section 21, FL constitution. This Waiver limits non-economic damages to $250,000. It is advised, that if you choose to use one of these forms that you have both signed. A copy of a sample cover letter to the patient is also provided. If you need more information, please contact Cynthia Peterson.



Health Care Arbitration Agreement

Waiver of Constitutional Rights

Sample Cover letter for patient

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